Meguiars X3003 Professional Grit Guard Car Wash Alat Pembersih Sponge . Ships from and sold by Amazonca. Exclusive super micro-abrasive technology.
Chemical Guys Chenille Premium Scratch-Free Microfiber Wash Mitt MIC493 Lime Green. Sørger for at skitt sand og andre løse partikler holder seg nederst i bøtten og ikke blir med opp når du skyller vaskehansken eller svampen. Meguiars Grit Guard - Separator zanieczyszczeń Zapobieganie kolistym zarysowaniom jest jednym z największych wyzwań w pielęgnacji dzisiejszych delikatnych powłok lakierniczych.
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Check out their Hyper Wash it has an amazing dilution ratio of 4001. Remove a vehicles worst imperfections quickly with professional grade Meguiars M105 Ultra-Cut Compound. Meguiars Grit Guard is a radial grid that sits in the bottom of the wash bucket. Legges i bunnen av vaskebøtten.